NumberFormatExeption for certain vCOps 5.7.1 custom UI widgets

Version 5.7.1 of vCenter Operations has a problem displaying Data in Dashboards if you install the standalone Analytics Server with non english language settings. To workaround the problem add “Duser.language=en” to the vcopsWebService configuration and restart the service.

screenshot description
configure_generic_scoreboard-300x51 Configure a generic Scoreboard with the option to round by two Decimals.
generic_scoreboard_comma_error-300x39 The generic Scoreboard throws a NumberFormatExeption before the data is displayed.
tomcat_wrapper_config-300x161 To workaround the error add = -Duser.language=en

option to the Tomcat Wrapper config located in %ALIVE_BASE%/user/conf/tomcat/wrapper.conf.
restart_vcopswebservice-300x88.png Restart the vcopsWebService to enable the new setting.
net stop vCOpsWebService && net start vCOpsWebService
generic_scoreboard_problem_solved-300x38 Restart the vcopsWebService to enable the new setting.
net stop vCOpsWebService && net start vCOpsWebService

Update: VMware has published the KB article 2058431 with a official description of the issue.