Recently Andreas has migrated our website from Wordpress to Hugo and after that i have written this small introduction for a TLUG workshop. The article describes the basic installation and configuration steps plus the creation of the first content.
The ErrorAction parameter still throws an error even if the “SilentlyContinue” option is selected. This is a problem if you just want to check the existence of NICs on a ESX Host.
During my PowerCLI scripting for the provisioning of new ESX Hosts i have found another bug. The Set-VDSwitch CMDlet does not set the number of uplink ports correctly in every case.
Time for the next PowerCLI bug. The Set-VDUplinkTeamingPolicy CMDlet has problems with the “failback” option.
It is possible to switch “Failback” from true to false, but not from false to true.
Version 5.7.1 of vCenter Operations has a problem displaying Data in Dashboards if you install the standalone Analytics Server with non english language settings. To workaround the problem add “Duser.language=en” to the vcopsWebService configuration and restart the service.